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    Trucking Statistics and Facts for Fleet Managers

    semi truck on road

    Savvy fleet managers stay in the know when it comes to trucking and truck driver statistics. Without a solid knowledge base of what’s going on in the industry, it’s impossible to plan for the future.

    Here’s a comprehensive list of facts that every fleet manager should know. These trucking statistics comprise the latest available figures and have been compiled using information from the most reputable data sources (full list at the base of this article).

    Trucking industry facts

    Trucking industry data reveals that just under 8 million people are employed in trucking-related jobs, 3.6 million being drivers. But what does this say about the overall trucking industry size? What is the number of trucks in the USA? How many companies are there? And what revenue do they generate?

    Number of trucks

    Did you know that of the 276 million vehicles registered in the U.S., 13.7% of them are trucks?

    Total number of companies

    There are over 500,000 trucking companies in the USA, but 80% are classified as small businesses. Ever wondered how many trucking companies in the US operate on a large scale? Probably fewer than you think:

    • Only 2.6% of fleets comprise more than 20 vehicles.
    • 91.3% operate with six trucks or less.
    • 97.4% operate with 20 trucks or less.

    Total revenue

    Delivery shipments are one of the most significant economic streams in the U.S. Trucking industry statistics suggest that most grocery stores would run out of produce within three days if long-haul truckers stopped driving.

    Transportation statistics

    The easiest way to break down transportation industry statistics is by mileage, delivery volume, and tonnage.


    Volume of goods delivered


    According to the American Trucking Associations, trucks move roughly 72.5% of the nation's domestic freight by weight. That’s 11.84 billion tons. But how many trucks in the USA also deliver internationally?

    • Trucks are responsible for 67.7% of surface trade between the US and Canada.
    • Trucks are responsible for 83.1% of surface trade between the US and Mexico.

    Accident statistics

    As a provider of safety-oriented software solutions, trucking accident stats are important to us and should be at the forefront of every fleet manager’s mind too. Driver and vehicle safety is vital in protecting your bottom line and improving Compliance, Safety, Accountability (CSA) scores. Let’s look at some key data.

    Accident causes

    According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an average of 94% of vehicle collisions are caused by human error. FMCSA trucking statistics lists common driver violations as:

    • Speeding
    • Failure to obey traffic signs
    • Failure to use a seatbelt
    • Record of duty status violation
    • Invalid medical certificate

    The top vehicle inspection violations are:

    • Lighting
    • Proof of inspection
    • Brakes
    • Emergency equipment
    • Inoperative turn signal
    • Parts in need of repair

    Total number of annual accidents

    NHTSA data shows that, on average, there’s a traffic accident every 60 seconds on U.S. roads. That’s over 5 million a year. Only around 11% of these involve trucks, but the associated death toll still reaches over 4000.

    • 74% involve a large truck
    • 28% involve single-unit trucks
    • 52% occur on major roads
    • 33% occur on freeways and interstates
    • 68% of all fatalities are occupants of passenger vehicles

    Average cost of loss

    The FMCSA produced a white paper outlining the average cost of crashes involving large trucks in 2007. If we adjust for inflation, today’s average figures stand at:

    • $120,000 for large truck accidents
    • $382,000 for tractor-trailer accidents
    • Up to $4.8 million for accidents involving fatalities

    However, these figures don’t account for increased liability costs since the original publication date, and insurance premiums have seen a significant spike in recent years as a result.

    Protect your fleet today

    If the trucking statistics you’ve read today make you feel uncomfortable, then it may be time to consider additional measures.

    At Lytx, we specialize in providing software that identifies and eliminates risk, so you can focus on keeping your drivers safer, your fleet on the road, and your business thriving. For example, our Driver Safety Program has been proven to:

    • Decrease collision frequency by 58%
    • Reduce traffic violations by 62%
    • Improve response rates by 26%

    Book a demo today to learn more about fleet safety.

    Article SourcesNational Highway Traffic Safety AdministrationFederal Motor Carrier Safety AdministrationUnited States Department of TransportationTruckers InsiderAmerican Trucking AssociationsStatistaJournal of CommerceCRC Group