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    Real-time Monitoring for Enhanced Fleet Safety: Insights, Alerts, and Analytics

    Did you know that fleets using advanced safety solutions with real-time monitoring receive data and alerts they can use to protect their service technicians, assets, and operations?

    Instant alerts provide crucial information when it matters most, warning of potential risks so techs and managers can take proactive measures to prevent accidents and mitigate hazards.

    From reducing accidents and insurance costs to improving driver behavior and optimizing routes, the benefits real-time monitoring has on fleet safety are boundless.

    Real-time monitoring data to improve safety and efficiency

    With real-time monitoring, you can get instant data on:

    • Vehicle location
    • Speed
    • Fuel usage
    • Engine health
    • Vehicle performance
    • Driver behavior
    • Road conditions

    This data can be used to identify erratic driving, see fuel consumption patterns, and know when a vehicle needs maintenance, all to help create a safer and more efficient fleet.

    These insights help fleet managers make informed safety decisions like scheduling maintenance or responding quickly to emergencies.

    By using data thoughtfully, fleets may see increased safety, cost savings, and operational improvements.

    Real-time monitoring and analytics for risk mitigation

    Real-time monitoring and alerts and can be a game changer for improving operations, helping managers and drivers take immediate corrective action when needed.

    For instance, machine vision and artificial intelligence (MV+AI) can analyze a technician’s unsafe driving behaviors, such as speeding or harsh braking, and send an in-cab alert signaling them to self-correct before a collision occurs. By receiving these alerts, techs become more aware of their actions while behind the wheel which can help improve their performance over time.

    Managers can use the data to create targeted training or interventions. Educating and motivating employees to adopt safer practices is key to reducing road risks.

    AI can analyze traffic patterns to spot risks, so techs can be routed away from congested or hazardous areas and get them to appointments on time.

    Meanwhile, managers can use preventative maintenance reminders for upcoming service to help plan vehicle maintenance before a breakdown occurs.

    These tools have averted potential collisions, reduced wear-and-tear accidents, and ensured safer road conditions for fleet vehicles.

    Improve customer service and productivity

    Fleet tracking and video telematics help take customer service to the next level. By simply looking at the map, you can see what vehicle is closest to a customer and send them over quickly. You’ll also be able to give accurate arrival estimates, which customers will appreciate.

    Tracking arrival and departure times and setting geofences also helps ensure your drivers are complying with schedules and staying within their set working hours.

    With video as part of your tracking solution, you’ll always have objective proof of service if a customer files a dispute.

    Know when a situation requires immediate attention

    Real-time alerts notify fleet managers of potential safety hazards or erratic driver behavior instantly.

    Whether it's sudden braking, speeding, or route deviations, these alerts enable immediate intervention to correct the situation.

    This helps in avoiding collisions, ensuring compliance with safety protocols, getting to appointments on time, and maintaining the fleet's operational safety.

    Use data to proactively identify patterns that might lead to future safety risks

    What if you could access historical data on your fleet’s driving behaviors, vehicle performance, and your route’s traffic conditions?

    Information from monitoring inside the vehicle and information about the vehicle’s movements on the road can add up to a more comprehensive picture of a fleet’s risk profile.

    Lytx® technology monitors for patterns of persistent risky behavior and selects representative highlights of video that users can use as coaching opportunities.

    When managers know the risks, they can take proactive measures to enhance overall fleet safety, which is good for everyone on the road.

    The MV+AI technology is a driver aid only. Drivers should never wait for a warning before taking measures to avoid an accident. The MV+AI distraction detection and alerting technology does not collect, store, or use any biometric identifiers or biometric information (e.g., scans of facial geometry) to detect distracted driving behaviors. See

    *Subject to available cellular network coverage.